Woodhall Spa Parish

Welcome to Woodhall Spa Parish

Our Lady and St Peter Woodhall Spa 

click on the picture above to see inside and here to see the garden

Sunday 10am Mass and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 10.00am

Serving Woodhall Spa, Horncastle, Coningsby and Metheringham

Parish Priest Fr John O'Donnell

Our Lady and St Peter

15 Cromwell Avenue, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6TH

Tel 01526 352245 

e-mail catholic.church.woodhallspa@gmail.com 

Diocese of Nottingham

The Catholic Church in England and Wales

The Vatican website 

Vatican Apps

  Daily Readings - read the entire New Testament over a 2 year period

(reading plan courtesy of Gideon International)

The Bible

Current Newsletter

St Mary's Church of England Church, Horncastle

click on the picture of the church to see inside

 Saturday 6pm Mass 

Live and recorded Masses at St Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham

Please click on the picture link below

St Barnabus Cathedral

Monday – Friday   1 pm Mass 

Saturday     10 am Mass 

Sunday    10 am Mass 


For todays Mass Readings and for the Readings for the Week 

click on the date link below


Live and recorded liturgies and addresses of Pope Francis with English  commentary 

Please click on the picture link below


Offered as an example of a suitable prayer for use by home viewers wishing to participate in a Live Streaming of the Mass

After the celebrant has received Holy Communion himself, the celebrant reads aloud the Act of Spiritual Communion, and invites the home viewers to say the words of the prayer with him.

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen


For “Churches Without Walls” and "Community of Enquiry"  meetings, programme and information click here

"Talking  Philosophy & Theology: a Carmelite Perspective - Reading & Discussion Zoom Group - Open to All" - A group of Third Order Carmelites, a lay organisation, are offering a course via Zoom on the philosophy that is woven into the spirituality of Ss Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Sr. Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein).   Meeting via Zoom  as follows: 1st & 3rd Wednesday evenings at 7.45 pm for 8.00 -10.00 pm. Philosophy & Theology Combined NB “Formal” reading and discussion of Edith Stein begins in October, on Wednesday evenings.   -- 2nd & 4th Thursday afternoons at 12.45 pm for 1.00 -3.00 pm.  Philosophy & Theology Combined   26th December no meeting : Christmas Break    -- NB Since this is not a “time-limited course”, as such, with no strict “beginning” or “end” other than “in God”, we always welcome new members and old returners, at any time!   Should anyone be interested please contact james.hunter200@btinternet.com     Click here for more details

Pope Francis  OCTOBER  2024

For a shared mission

Let us pray that the Church continue to sustain a synodal lifestyle in every way, as a sign of coresponsibility, promoting the participation, communion and mission shared by priests, religious and laity.

We Christians are all responsible for the Church’s mission. Every priest. Everyone.

We priests are not the bosses of the laity, but their pastors. Jesus called us, one and others – not one above others, or one on one side and others on another side, but complementing each other. We are community. That is why we need to walk together, taking the path of synodality.

Sure, you could ask me, What can I do as a bus driver? A farmer? A fisher? What all of us need to do is to witness with our lives. Be co-responsible for the Church’s mission.

The laity, the baptized are in the Church, in their own home, and need to take care of it. So do we priests and consecrated persons. Everyone contributes what they know how to do best. We are co-responsible in mission, we participate and we live in the communion of the Church.

Let us pray that the Church continue to sustain a synodal lifestyle in every way, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, communion and mission shared by priests, religious and laity.

October  2024

Grapevine Newsletter 

Autumn 2024


Season of Creation

The Season of Creation is a global ecumenical celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home, starting each year on 1 September and finishing on the feast of St Francis, 4 October.

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 28 July 2024

The World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly falls on Sunday 28 July 2024. Pope Francis has given the day the theme "Do not cast me off in my old age" c.f. Psalm 71:9


Monthly Newsletter

The Catholic Diocese of Nottingham

No. 5 - 2nd October 2024 

Street Pastors in Lincoln

Seventeen towns and cities in Nottingham Diocese have a Street Pastors scheme which reaches out to young people..

Lincoln Street Pastors are looking for people who are willing to offer up their time and their prayers for the Night Time Economy streets of Lincoln and become one of the team of Lincoln Street Pastors.

To find out more about what's involved follow the links below.

Click here to learn about the Street pastors scheme

Find out if there is a Street Pastors scheme in your town

The recent wave of extremist violence on our streets 09.08.24

From the chaos of hatred, the order of love

Responding to the anxieties of minority communities from Catholic social teaching.

The recent wave of extremist violence on our streets has brought shame on the UK. No-one should fear abuse or violence, least of all on the grounds of who they are, where they are from, or how they arrived. Everyone should feel welcome while they are living here in the diocese of Nottingham. 

Cardinal calls on Catholics to take action to oppose assisted suicide 10.10.24

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Bishops’ Conference and Archbishop of Westminster, has issued a pastoral letter on assisted suicide that will be read in the churches of his diocese on the weekend of 12-13 October.

Assisted Suicide

Oppose Assisted Suicide

We are calling on Catholics in England and Wales to unite in prayer and compassionate action to oppose assisted suicide.


Israeli-Palestinian Crisis

How you can help

We have all been shocked and saddened by the devastating conflict in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. Our local partners are actively responding and providing urgent humanitarian aid to those in need.


Pray for Peace in Ukraine

Click on the picture link above for details

Good news for prospective hosts

of Ukrainian refugees

October 2022

We are happy to announce a new matching service under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, supported by the nationwide Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) in England and Wales.

St John of God Hospitaller Services in partnership with CSAN are offering a matching pathway, training and support programme for sponsors and individuals displaced by the war in Ukraine.  We aim to support people on their journey and provide opportunities to integrate into our community in the UK.

After months of the brutal Russian war in Ukraine, the number of people fleeing the war and in need of shelter remains high and will continue to rise as winter is fast approaching.

We are very conscious that so much of our attention is rightly focused on those at home who are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.  There will be those in our communities less affected by that who may be able and willing to open their hearts and homes to displaced people from Ukraine. Can you help?

Click here to find out more

CAFOD Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

At least 3 million people have fled their homes to escape conflict in Ukraine. Your donations will reach families who are in urgent need of help.

Parishes of Welcome

The war in Ukraine shows no sign of ending soon, and its people are continuing to flee.  Would you like to help your parish extend a welcome to refugees?  Are you seeking to host a family or individual - or do you already have a guest and experience you'd like to exchange with fellow hosts?  

We have received numerous expressions of interest in hosting refugees from the conflict in Ukraine.  Compassion and solidarity are alive and well in the Diocese of Nottingham.  That's why we're opening a Parishes of Welcome scheme, to help you find the support you need as a welcomer, locally and nationally, within the Church and beyond.

Even if you don't have spare accommodation, there are already plenty of opportunities to develop the care, support and accompaniment that will help those who have fled Ukraine to find a place of safety. 

Pope Francis Message for the 57th World Peace Day 01.01.24

Click on the picture link above to read the message

Sponsorship to all Ukrainian refugees

Click on the picture link above for details

Caritas in Ukraine

Caritas Ukraine and Caritas-Spes are working on the ground to help about 13.000 people in different parts of the country, and especially in critical areas such as Mariupol, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Kyiv and Odessa. Caritas Internationalis have launched a campaign to support their work, especially for the most vulnerable people, such as the elderly and children in the conflict zones.

Donate to Caritas Internationalis


Organisations in Derby serving the Ukrainian community have come together to launch the #HelpUkraine appeal.  The national launch was hosted by the Ukrainian Parish Church of St Michael the Archangel, near the Arboretum.  It is introduced in the video above by Fr David Senyk, parish priest of communities the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in the area of our diocese.

You are invited to donate to this appeal, which is managed by the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain with the Church's support.  It represents the efforts of Ukrainians here in Nottingham Diocese and across the UK, and is the perfect way to show solidarity with our own neighbours, and their efforts for their compatriots, in this crisis.

Donate to #HelpUkraine



youth2000uk Youth 2000 seeks to draw young people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, lived at the heart of the Catholic church. www.youth2000.org

The Joy of Love 

Reflection document on Marriage and Family Life

Click on the picture link above for details

Pope Francis Message for the third world day for Grandparents and the Elderly  22.07.23

Click on the picture link above for details

Pope Francis Letter to Married Couples December 2021

Pope Francis Message for the first world day for Grandparents and the Elderly  25.07.21

Click on the picture link above to read the letter

Novena on the Care of Creation

The 'God Who Speaks' team offers this Novena of readings and prayers as tangible action to respond to the urgent climate change issues we all face.

please click on the picture link

A Father's Heart - A Podcast for Catholic Dads

This new podcast series from the Diocese of Nottingham for the Year of St Joseph will explore what does it mean to be a Catholic Dad , taking St Joseph as our model. Each month a section of the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde will be explored through conservation with two dads from the Diocese of Nottingham sharing their thoughts and experiences.

'Being a Disciple' 

The 'Being a Disciple' series was run in conjunction between the Diocese of Nottingham and Catholic Voices over four evenings  on Zoom in January 2021.

Brenden Thompson, CEO of Catholic Voices presented in each session a fundamental principle of being a Catholic disciple. Session 1 explores the Word of God and how as disciples we are called to internalise it that means to live it, to share it and to seek to know it better.

This course was aimed at both those who would like to grow in their personal discipleship and those who want to help others grow. 

The recordings are presented here for you to access and use this course to help you grow as a disciple or to help others in your community. 

Pope Francis Twitter

Let us pray for peace, and let us bring it about, starting in our own homes! 


May we help people to discover the joy of the Christian message: a message of love and mercy.  Pope Francis 

Pope Francis: our path is to take care of others

Pope Francis 03.02.15 - Daily contemplation of the Gospel

Daily contemplation of the Gospel helps us to have true hope. The Pope again urged people to take 10 minutes out of their day to pick up the Gospel and talk to the Lord, rather than waste it on TV soap operas or listening to other peoples’ gossip.

Take up the Gospel, read and imagine the scene, imagine what happens and talk to Jesus, from the heart. And with this we allow hope to grow, because we have our gaze fixed, we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. 

We should all carry out this contemplative prayer. 'But I have so much to do!'. At home, 15 minutes, pick up the Gospel, a small passage, imagine what happened and talk with Jesus about it. So your gaze will be fixed on Jesus and not so much on a TV soap opera, for example. Your ears will be focused on the words of Jesus and not so much on your neighbourhood gossip ... ".

Hope comes from this prayer, he said, adding "our Christian life unfolds in that context, between memory and hope": "Memory of our past journey, memory of so many graces received from the Lord. And hope, looking at the Lord, who is the only one who can give me hope. And in order to gaze at the Lord, to know the Lord, we pick up the Gospel and carry out this contemplative prayer.

Today, for example, try for 10 minutes - 15, no more – to read the Gospel, picture it and say something to Jesus. And nothing more. And so your knowledge of Jesus will be bigger and your hope will grow.

Bishop Patrick recommends the new Pocket Gospels

Pope Francis has said "Everyone should carry a small Bible or a pocket edition of the Gospels and should find at least a few minutes every day to Read the Word of God"

Priced £4.99 from the Bible Society

Daily Readings - read the entire New Testament over a 2 year period

(reading plan courtesy of Gideon International)

The Bible online

Sunday & daily Mass  live streamed at 


Live Catholic TV 


Live Catholic TV

Salt and Light Live TV

Live Catholic TV 


Live Catholic TV 

Watch Catholic TV Network

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Thoughts from Elston Hermitage on Angels

Of all things visible and invisible angels then are part of that invisible side of God's creation and so worthily deserve our attention.

Angels are God's messengers not only for great occasions but we can be assured they are constantly looking after us too as promised by the Psalmist  'The Lord will command his Angels to guard you in all your ways, they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone' (Ps. 91 11-12). Angels then are body and soul guards, and each of  us has a guardian angel to watch over us.

Pope Francis: Guardian angels our companions on life’s journey 

Guardian angels exist

Pope Francis at Mass at Casa Santa Marta. "Guardian angels exist, they are not the fruit of imaginative doctrine, but companions that God has placed beside us on our life’s journey."

Travelling away or going on holiday?

Click on the link below to find out Churches and Mass times at or near your destination
