Interested in becoming a Catholic

If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please

contact Father John

Father John O'Donnell

Our Lady and St Peter

15 Cromwell Avenue

Woodhall Spa

LN10 6TH

Tel 01526 352245


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Journey in Faith

The Parish welcomes enquiries from anyone wanting to know about the Catholic Church's Christian faith.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is for people who have an interest in, and questions about the Catholic faith.

It gives a chance to learn more about the Catholic faith and it is the means by which the Catholic Church welcomes people to faith in Christ and membership of the Church.

The 'Journey in Faith' enables enquirers to explore the rich depth of Catholicism in a friendly, relaxed environment and if desired, eventually to be welcomed into full communion with the Catholic community of faith.

Becoming a Catholic is not just a matter of learning about and accepting a number of beliefs, it is a period of personal growth and ongoing conversion as a Christian, as well as growing into a particular community or parish. The RCIA process provides an opportunity to learn without commitment and is also for Catholics who wish to deepen their understanding of the faith.

Some who participate are Christians by virtue of their Baptism in another denomination.

Adults who are baptised Catholics but were never confirmed or seldom practice their faith are also most welcome.

Parishioners seeking to explore their own continuing journey in faith in greater detail and share their experiences are also welcome.

Enquirers discuss aspects of the Christian faith and learn more about Catholic life, in a supportive environment with Catechists and parishioners, many of whom have themselves been through the RCIA. For those already baptised, the process leads to reception into the Church, Confirmation and Eucharist (Holy Communion). Those not yet baptised receive all three Sacraments – Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

The RCIA includes meetings for prayer, discussion and learning, usually on a weekly basis.

The RCIA process is composed of four stages.

1. Enquiry and Evangelisation

This initial stage is a time when a person approaches the Church community with their interest in Christ, and with their questions about faith and Christian life. In return they are welcomed by the parish community and hear about the Gospel of Christ as a response to their search.

2. The Catechumenate

The “Catechumenate” is set aside for a more thorough catechesis, instruction on the Sacraments and other church teachings.

3. Preparation to receive the Sacraments

Is designed for a more intense spiritual preparation, consisting of more interior reflection than catechetical instruction. The six weeks of Lent are a time of concentrated spiritual preparation for initiation at Easter. The Sacraments of Christian Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist - are usually received at the Easter Vigil.

4. Period of instruction after Baptism or Reception

After being baptised, confirmed, and receiving the Eucharist with the community there is further instruction about the sacraments, about the Church and about Christian witness. This is a period to deepen their understanding of their new faith & the mysteries of the Sacraments of Initiation. Also for the incorporation into the full life of the community, learning more about the different ministries in their parish and deciding how they want to more fully live out their faith. This is usually during the 50 days from Easter to Pentecost and is just the start of a new and personal journey with the gift of faith, over the rest of one's lifetime.

Becoming Catholic

This website link is a good place

to start to find out about the Catholic Church

Pope Francis Homilies about Christian Life