Crossing the Threshold

 Mgr Canon Thomas McGovern "We can help our friends and neighbours who used to join us for Mass on Sundays but maybe now do not. Why not invite them to join you for Mass? Or, even better, what about offering to walk with them or give them a lift next Sunday? It can be very easy to slip away from the practice of faith and find excuses not to gather for Mass. But just as we make a big effort to gather our families around us on Christmas Day, we should make an effort to gather together as God's family in his house every Sunday - and we should not leave the ministry of welcoming God's people to others. As Catholics, the Mass is the source and summit, the beginning and end, of our week - and it is something that we should want to share with others when we are sent out at the end of each Mass on our mission to glorify the Lord in our daily lives.


Bishop Malcolm  "Our Catholic faith has been freely given to us by God. It’s unthinkable that anyone should hold back in freely giving what they have been freely given. Faith is the greatest joy and gift that anyone can ever find and should be shared. At a time when so many people are in need of a word of hope and consolation, it is our duty to be witnesses of faith to them. It’s important that we’re all attentive to opportunities to signpost someone to God’s love and mercy through our words and actions." 

If you have not been part of the parish before or have been away from the church for a while, you will always be made welcome.

 Catholic and Lost Touch?

A very warm welcome if you want to explore becoming a more active member of the Catholic community. We are delighted to offer you this leaflet, below, which we hope you’ll find interesting and helpful.

Additionally even if you have not been to church recently it is never too late to start again, no matter how long you have been away

 Catholic and Lost Touch Leaflet